SALEM, MA — Projects in Beverly, Danvers, Peabody and Salem account for $5.3 million of the $16 million in proposed Sixth District funding in the Fiscal Year 2023 federal appropriations subcommittee budget, according to U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton's office.
If funded, Moulton said these projects will help local communities protect the environment, improve public safety, and increase access to health care, housing and public transportation.
"I was pleased to see so many high-impact projects across my district selected for funding this year," Moulton said. "I'm thrilled that the projects I submitted have cleared the first hurdle in securing funding through the appropriations process. I hope that my colleagues in Congress can work together to pass the FY 2023 appropriations bills in a timely manner so that our communities can receive these critical investments."
Included in the appropriations proposal is $1 million for an HVAC system replacement at the Beverly Public Library. The money would allow the city to replace the library's aged HVAC system to a geothermal heat pump system utilizing a Ground Heat Exchanger designed to move heat energy to and from the ground to support heating and cooling, which will lower energy costs and use.
Also included is $1 million for Salem Mission Incorporated to increase the capacity of homeless shelters in Beverly and Salem. The funds would be used to renovate aging facilities to meet the increased demand for services amid the pandemic.
A $1 million appropriation is intended for the Peabody Riverwalk at a two-block area around the North River Canal that will provide a new pedestrian corridor for alternative transportation.
There is $2.3 million included for the expansion of the Salem Skipper program to provide micro-transit to Danvers, Peabody and Salem. New connections would include the commuter rail, evening and Saturday service to Essex Tech and North Shor Community College, and service to Cherry Hill Industrial Park.
Subcommittee bills must be passed by the full Appropriations Committee before heading to the floor for consideration by the entire House of Representatives. If passed by Congress and signed into law, federal agencies would then administer funding to respective project recipients.
(Scott Souza is a Patch field editor covering Beverly, Danvers, Marblehead, Peabody, Salem and Swampscott. He can be reached at Twitter: @Scott_Souza.)
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