Grantham's Environcom announces £1 million gas incinerator is up and running

2022-09-10 01:16:30 By : Mr. Antares Chou

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A recycling business in Grantham has announced its new £1 million gas incinerator is up and running.

Environcom, based on Spittlegate Level, has announced its Gas Energy Recovery Incinerator (GERI) is now running, making the Grantham site one of the most modern plants of its kind in the UK.

By law, the company must collect all the refrigerant gas and the gas used to create the insulation and then ensure these gases are destroyed by high temperature incineration, which can now be done with its new incinerator.

A spokesperson from Environcom said: "To date we have used one of the only two UK incinerators capable of this. These are located hundreds of miles away and often have very serious capacity issues.

"This waste is also very inefficient to transport. We will now provide hot water and heating to our site, at the same time we will have significantly reduced our carbon footprint, and substantially improved our business resilience."

The secondary chamber in the incinerator reaches 1,200 degrees. This process destroys the compounds within these gases, preventing a hazard to the environment.

The very hot gases then pass through a heat exchanger and through a computer-controlled pollution control system.

The only product released is water-ladened warm air.

The spokesperson added: "It is a fact that more and more waste streams need destroying by high temperature incineration through the awareness that persistent pollutants never go away and remain to pollute future generations and not just ours and are present in many different waste streams.

"So, whilst it may seem counter intuitive to incinerate, it is the best solution environmentally and with suitable abatement systems, as ours has, very clean too."