888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
HOUSTON , June 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Tank or tankless? It's a question that homeowners looking to purchase a new water heater can get hung up on – needlessly, as it turns out. They can just choose the Essency EXR, the world's first on-demand tank water heater. Sold by licensed plumbers and the nationwide network of Ferguson plumbing supply centers, the EXR combines the best of both tank and tankless operations in one powerful, practical and distinctive package.
Acting as a thermal battery, heat from stored water in the EXR'55-gallon, polymer tank is transferred to incoming tap water as it passes through an oversized stainless steel heat exchanger. "The EXR has a proven 80-gallon first hour rating, a capacity rating greater than any other residential water heater in its class, tank or tankless," says Scott Isaksen , national sales director for Essency Water Heaters in Houston .
"The EXR produces hot water enough to handle the daily multi-tasking cycle of bathing, dishwashing, clothes-washing and sundry other tasks, while never missing a beat in terms of temperature stability either," he adds.
The EXR comes complete with built-in WiFi access and a grid-ready phone app for intelligent water usage management and on-board leak detection. Homeowners can use Smart Mode to manage water use efficiently and turbo-boost water output to a staggering 100-gallon FHR capacity. Put the water heater into Vacation Mode for extended absences, and lower water temperature in real time using the Water Saver function.
Since the EXR uses industry standard plumbing and electrical connections, t's a drop-in installation as a replacement for an existing tank water heater or as a first-time install in a new home – and a sensible and cost-effective alternative to a tankless whole-house installation.
The EXR is a great choice for a whole-house electric water heater system, says John Watts , a veteran Texas plumber and homeowner in who replaced his old tank water heater in his home with a new EXR. "I have a few teenagers in the house, and we were always running out of hot water" with the old heater, he explains. "I did my homework and found the EXR. It was a straightforward installation, and we haven't run out of hot water since – and believe me, as a plumber myself, I've put the system to the test." The development lacks gas line access, so the electric option was his only practical one for a water heater – and as the EXR fit right into the existing system, it was a no-brainer as far as he was concerned. "I'm very impressed with the unit," he says.
For more information about Essency Water Heaters, contact a licensed plumber or plumbing contractor, or visit the Essency website at www.Essencyhome.com, or a Ferguson outlet (https://www.ferguson.com/category/essency/_/N-zcnb0q).
Essency Water Heaters U.S is headquartered at 27351 Spectrum Way, Oak Ridge N., Texas 77385-2101 – telephone, 888-229-6285.
Contact: Doug Hovelson or Scott Isaksen Falls Agency Essency Water Heaters 612-998-0789 956-832-3751 [email protected] [email protected]
Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 9 PM ET