From the Museum's Archives is a weekly section of local history columns written by the Manistee County Historical Museum.
The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week Aug. 4-10, 1922 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum.
“Manistee phone service will be at a standstill for one minute late this afternoon in honor of the inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell, who passed away Wednesday.
“Instructions were received by the Manistee exchange to suspend all calls, both local and long distance, from 5:25 to 5:26 p.m., at which time the eminent scientist will be buried in New York city. The flag of the local exchange has also been flying at half-mast in his honor.
“Ten thousand employees of the Michigan company and 250,000 Bell workers throughout the country will stand wherever they are at 5:25 with bowed heads during the complete suspension of service.
“NOTICE. To the party who keeps my black and female hound in captivity to release her at once. If she is not home within three days prosecution will follow. W. Juergen, 131 McKee St.
“FREE SOIL, Aug. 4. — Andrew Pitulski, farmer living northwest of here, died after drinking some liquor he had purchased from a neighbor. Doctors who examined the body declared he had literally burned up. No moisture was left in the body.
“The most comfortable things in the world are old shoes and old friends.
“As Noah Heap puts it: Some friends are a habit while others are a luxury.
“A small piece of pavement on Maple street hill, just off River street, caved in yesterday afternoon at about 5 o’clock. It was repaired this morning.
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“Barbers say the trend in bobbed hair is toward even shorter locks. One dreads the day when he will hear a flapper say to the barber,
‘Shingle it, Eddie, shingle it.’
“Now is the time to take the seed catalog of last spring and show it the garden.
“Wouldn’t it be awful if the girls didn’t have any more sense than we think they have?
“Noah Little says: The man that has to clean ‘em up doesn’t drop many cigar ashes on the floor.
“Man is so purely a creature of habit that even an affliction may become dear to him in time.
“Sidney O. Kann paid $5 and costs yesterday afternoon in Justice Greve’s court, after pleading guilty to a charge of driving a car for his personal use, under a dealer’s license.
“SPECIAL FRESH RASPBERRY FRUIT ICE CREAM With Any Topping — 15 cents ... Try a Cantaloupe Sundae with Whipped Cream ... City Drug Store ... .
“Order Today. You will not want to miss even one issue of ... the greatest Sunday newspaper you have ever read ... the new SUNDAY Detroit TIMES. Four pages of Comics in Full Colors ... FAMOUS ‘AMERICAN WEEKLY’ is a special added feature attraction ... Brisbane’s Powerful Sunday Editorial ... PAGES AND PAGES OF NEWS. Dozens of Special Exclusive Features. Big Illustrated Sports Section. Fascinating ‘City Life’ Section. Michigan Society in Word and Picture. On Sale By All Newsboys and Stands. A Great Michigan Paper for Michigan People.
“Mesdames Richard W. Smith and Gustav Kitzinger gave a charming rose luncheon at the Chippewa yesterday at 1 o’clock to upward of 70 guests, many of whom were from nearby summer resorts. The guests found their places about two long parallel tables by attractive place cards, each attached to a fresh rose bud. Crystal buckets of roses decorated the tables.
“Following the luncheon the bridge players repaired to the ball rooms back of the parlor where tables were arranged and numerous rose bouquets added their charm. Those not playing bridge enjoyed a social gathering in the parlor ... .
“Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetnam will give a 6:30 dinner Monday evening at their home for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop Scott of Paris, France.
“Next Tuesday morning a flower show committee will be at the Congregational church parlors to receive and arrange flowers, plants and bulbs that are brought to make a beautiful showing of local garden flowers.
“The food sale to be held in conjunction will be marked by a large variety of home-made delicacies.
“The flower show will be open afternoons and entertainment will be provided in the evenings ... .
“The Lyric ten were entertained Thursday evening with a dinner party at the Hotel Chippewa as guests of Manager Kennedy of the Lyric, in appreciation of services rendered him ... .
“Miss Doris Pyne, who is to be married this evening at 8:30 to Eric Sheridan of Kansas City, Mo., was the popular guest of honor at a series of nuptial affairs during the past week. A party was given for her Monday afternoon by Mrs. Bertha Gibson; Tuesday, a tea given by Mrs. H. L. Campbell at her home; Wednesday, a shower given by Miss Hester Johnson and Miss Betty Schnorbach; Thursday, a bridge party and shower by Miss Golden Hart; and Friday, an afternoon party by Miss Cora Louise Nuttall.
“A dance will be given at Manistee Grange Hall at Newland, Saturday, Aug. 5. Kruse’s orchestra.
“DANCING to BEN METZ and His Green Mill Garden Orchestra OF CHICAGO ... At Lake Shore Pavilion MANISTEE, MICHIGAN Sunday Night August 6. If you enjoy good music, be there.
“After a Palm Beach suit is cleaned a few times the owner has no license to criticize short dresses.
“It is estimated that Americans will spend $863,000,000 in Europe this summer. Gosh! Has Europe got that much liquor?
“‘I got a real kick out of a neck shave,’ remarked a bobbed-haired office girl. ‘Makes me feel so manly I almost have a notion to run for sheriff.’
“Noah Little says: If you are afraid of your own judgment, you can’t blame the boss if he shares your feelings.
“All small towns are alike, as Sinclair Lewis says, or Chautauqua lecturers could not use the same lectures everywhere they go.
“With 12 petitions of candidates for office already filed with County Clerk John D. Kruse, the race at the primaries Sept. 12 promises to be a lively one, especially in the Republican ranks. Only one Democratic candidate has so far filed his petition.
“Rain Saturday night wet blanketed to a considerable degree the shopping festivities to which the week-end evening is customarily dedicated.
“Continuing throughout Sunday morning and threatening spills all afternoon, the weather put the blight on many projected picnic parties and quite spoiled the day for ardent baseball fans (by) forcing cancellation of the game scheduled for Sands park between (the) Manistee Independents and the Hart Indians.
“Aside from the disappointments occasioned, it was a nice series of showers which no one has stepped forth to claim did any damage.
“Unsettled weather with probable showers is the immediate forecast.
“Local Sanitary Co. No. 119, M. N. G., consisting of 43 men and headed by Capt. Harlen MacMullen and Lieut. Lee A. Lewis will entrain tomorrow morning at 9:15, when they will leave on the M. & N. E. for Grayling for a two-weeks encampment.
“This will be the first company in a number of years to represent Manistee at the summer encampment at Grayling. The men will meet at the Ramsdell hall tonight, following the dance which is being given for the benefit of the new company, and will march to the railroad station tomorrow morning.
“The dance at the Ramsdell tonight, in the form of a military ball, will be the first of its kind in a number of years and is expected to be well attended. Music will be by Spin Johnson’s orchestra, members of which belong to the Sanitary company ... .
“Pedestrians along country roads and those who walk in the streets at night ... can contribute materially toward the reduction of automobile accidents by walking on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic, according to Dale H. Lewis, Acting Executive Chairman of the American Automobile Association.
“‘Courtesy on the part of the driver demands the use of dimmed lights at night,’ said Mr. Lewis, ‘and this factor, while it contributes to the safety of passing motorists, makes it exceedingly difficult for the automobile driver to see a pedestrian walking along the edge of the road in the same direction the car is traveling ...
“‘Walking on the left side of the road is just as good for the pedestrian and enables him to see the approaching automobile in time to step aside if the motorist does not see him ...
“‘The pedestrian should ... contribute to the factor of safety by keeping to that side of the road which best enables him to escape the oncoming car and especially the occasional speed fiend or ‘flivverboob’ who cares nothing for consequences and speeds regardless of the rights of others, for it has been truly said that whether you were in the right or not does not matter after you are in the hands of the undertaker.’
“A number of Manistee people plan on attending the ‘beefsteak dinner’ given by Judge and Mrs. Harry D. Jewel of Grand Rapids, at their summer home at Portage Point.
“This annual event, which marks the wedding anniversary date of Judge and Mrs. Jewel, is one of the high lights of the resort season at Portage Point, and Manisteeans privileged to attend prize the opportunity highly. The feast is served in the al fresco setting of the Lake Michigan side of the resort and a fine informal program is always provided about the mammoth driftwood fire on the beach.
“As Noah Heap puts it: Style wears out a lot of good clothes.
“All candidates seem to agree that spending a lot of money is a bad thing — for the other fellow.
“Mere ownership of a furnace next fall will be no sign that a householder can start something.
“‘Always look up,’ advises John Wanamaker. But then, Mr. Wanamaker is 84 and doesn’t care what the women wear.
“Writing from Los Angeles, where he is sojourning, a former Manistee resident says: ‘Don’t let them tell you it isn’t hot here. It is unmercifully hot, day and night. The afternoon I came I was met at the station by relatives and the first thing they did was to tell me the heat was “unusual.” It has been burning hot for a straight three weeks and shows no signs of letting up. I’ll take Michigan for mine in the summer from now on.’
“Noah Little says: When down on your luck get up your pluck.
“It is much easier to start a coal or railroad strike than to end one.
“A Ford runabout sold in Moscow for three billion rubles. That’s a lot of rubles but not much money.
“Town boosters may get a little exuberant at times but no place was ever pushed ahead by critically pointing out its faults to visitors.
“When interviewed he said: ‘I am a steady Volstead prohibitionist. I believe in the constitutional amendment. I am opposed to any change in the law, any weakening of the act. It cannot be made too strict for me. I am a bootlegger.’
“Vincent Hibza, 70 years of age, who yesterday was seriously injured about his chest when caught between a lifting crane and a railroad car at the Ruggles & Rademaker plant, died last night at Mercy hospital ... .
“A modified and revised budget of the Salvation Army eliminating the objectionable items which put it into conflict with the Red Cross and Social Welfare League program was submitted to the committee on charities and advertising of the Board of Commerce Saturday and approved by the committee.
“The budget calls for a strict program of religious activities, development of a Boy Scout band and a Girl Guard organization, and co-operation with the police in street work among young men and young women ... .
“Recollections of former days when Manistee had a crack National Guard company were evoked this morning when Manistee’s new Sanitary company ... entrained for the two-weeks encampment at Grayling.
“The company formed in line in front of the Ramsdell hall by command of Sergt. A. A. Greve shortly before 9 o’clock and marched down Maple and along River streets to the railroad station, where the train was waiting. The company entrained at once, quite a number of friends being there to bid them farewell.
“Mrs. Marcia Lessa of Oak Hill, charged with forgery, was bound over to circuit court this morning by Justice Greve. Bail was fixed at $400.
“It’s just about this time each year that the recent graduate arrives at the conclusion that there are a lot of things they don’t teach in colleges.
“A very good crowd attended the dance last night in Ramsdell hall, given for the benefit of the Sanitary company, which left this morning for Grayling.
“Another carnival, the Roscoe shows, set up its equipment today on the site formerly occupied by the Manistee Tire and Auto company garage on Washington street. The carnival is here under the auspices of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and will be in the city for five days.
“The Returned Vacationist is on the scene again. The sure sign of the Returned Vacationist is the sheaf of Kodak pictures taken at the lakes, the seashore, the mountains or wherever the week or two weeks off were spent. The vacationist pulls them out of purse or pocket at intervals, his study of them usually accompanied by smiles of reminiscence. And the Returned Vacationist always insists on showing the pictures to friends, with an accompanying travelog.
“This cool summer may be only nature’s way of preparing us for what is sure to be a very cool winter.
“The principal trouble in the industrial world is that a lot of people think the union card and the corporation stock certificate are more important than the American flag.
“About 200 people attended the Military Ball given by the Sanitary Co. No. 119 Monday evening in Ramsdell hall, which proved a highly enjoyable affair.
“The funds raised are to be used for, as the soldiers call it, ‘the mess.’
“In honor of Mr. Edward Buckley’s 80th birthday anniversary Miss Virginia Buckley entertained 2 friends at dinner last evening at their home on Cedar street.
“Mrs. Sidney O. Kann entertained 30 friends Saturday afternoon at a tea for the pleasure of her guests, Mrs. Malbert Taber and Mrs. George E. Sherman of Detroit.
“Mr. and Mrs. George E. Sherman, Mrs. Malbert Taber and Mrs. Sidney O. Kann returned this morning (Wednesday) from a motor trip around the horn.
“Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Deutsch and A. Rosen and Leo Rosen of Muskegon motored here yesterday to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney O. Kann, Maple street.
“(Ad.) Roscoe’s Imperial Shows All This Week. Benefit Of Veterans Of Foreign Wars. Ferris Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, Shows, Concessions — All of which are good, clean, moral attractions for ladies, gentlemen and children. Everybody invited. Everybody Come. Help The Boys Finance Their Undertakings. A Good Time For All The Balance of This Week.
“As Noah Heap puts it: It is easier to bust a balloon with a pin than with a club.
“Noah Little says: Most of the fun in life seems to be doing something you can’t afford to do, and then refusing to regret it.
“Every farmer should have an automobile to enable his family to get away from home Sunday morning before town friends can motor in on them.
“All babies go through the same process of growing, such as cooing, laughing out loud and kicking, but if you want to make a proud papa mad, just tell him that his youngster is an average baby.
“They say it takes all kinds of people to make a world but we never could see the necessity for the gink who insists upon standing around watching when you change a tire.
“Work of dredging the river has been completed by the dredge Kewaunee. Instead of going to Frankfort, where the harbor was to have been cleaned out, the dredge is being towed up to Menominee due to the lack of coal at Frankfort. The work in Manistee harbor took three weeks.
“It might be worse. Suppose the fly and the mosquito had the same working hours.
“‘Let’s Go!’ was an excellent war slogan but it is playing the deuce with home life in America.
“Ten years ago photographers took pictures of belles with huge pompadours. A year or so ago the girl with ear puffs was the studio queen but the bobbed-hair girl claims most of their attention now.
“Manistee county’s fuel administration, centered on the board of commerce office with J. C. Beukema in charge, began functioning today when priority applications were executed for several dealers and industries who are short of coal ... The state administrator has announced that he will grant no applications for priority unless they are O. K.’d by the county administrator and the coal companies are notifying their customers that they are unable to get cars for coal except on priority orders.
“The retail situation in Manistee is bad. None of the dealers have any appreciable amount of coal on hand and orders are piling up. Today every householder appreciating the criticalness of the situation is endeavoring to get his coal in. It is probable that an order will be issued within the next 24 hours limiting the amount of coal that may be delivered to domestic consumers by dealers to one ton.
“The public utilities situation is very much better as the Consumers Power company has over a two months’ supply on hand.
“Five more candidates seeking nomination at the fall primaries ... have filed their petitions ... bringing the total number filed so far up to 18. Two of these are for the office of sheriff, making in all six candidates who have filed petitions for this office ... .
“The U. S. S. Wilmette, largest gunboat on the Great Lakes, and two sub-chasers of the U. S. Naval Reserve fleet will be in Manistee Thursday, August 24, and put on a cutter race as one of the attractions at Manistee’s Fifth annual Merchants’ and Farmers’ picnic.
“ ... This will ensure the presence here of the biggest bunch of Jackies that ever made this port.
“The picnic committee ... was spurred to fresh activity with this announcement and immediately made plans to increase last year’s beef order 60 per cent, and double up on the buns correspondingly, in anticipation of the biggest crowd that ever attended Manistee’s famous farmers’ picnics. Stores will declare a half holiday and every business man will be at Orchard Beach state park to help park cars and dish out the eats. Free beef and buns, coffee and pickles will be provided by the merchants as heretofore.
“The program will be even more replete with attractions than heretofore ... the jackie cutter race which will be staged in the morning on Manistee river ... (and) Kliber’s band downtown during the morning hours and at the state park during the afternoon ...
“The program of sports includes a greased pig race, greased pole climbing contest, horse-shoe flingers ... in the semi finals of the county quoit championship, ... Manistee’s crack semi-pro (baseball) team ... (and) free dancing in the pavilion ... .
“Thirty-eight people, 32 young women and six men, today began taking the county teachers’ examination ... .
“After a year’s illness, Mrs. William Christiansen, 270 Fourth avenue, died last night at 6 o’clock from tuberculosis. She was 32 years of age.
“Exchange club members and their ladies, to the number upward of 50, enjoyed the hospitality of Mrs. A. Smithson, manager of the Portage Point Inn, at a delightful supper party at the popular resort last night ...
“Following the program about the dining tables, Mrs. Smithson turned over the pavilion and the hotel orchestra to the pleasure of the guests and dancing was indulged in for a time.
“Mrs. R. V. Kennedy of St. Joseph is visiting a week with her husband, who is manager of the Lyric.
“A senator’s idea of an important issue appears to be a motion that the senate rest room be enlarged.
"Solicitors for the Salvation Army budget began active work this morning. The drive will continue through Aug. 15.
“We have to give the flappers the credit — or the blame — for one thing, at any rate. They have refined, if not reformed, the barber shops. The old barber shop conversation is no longer good form, because some flapper waiting for a hair bob is liable to be listening in, and the man who in a moment of forgetfulness starts it is liable to be sternly ‘shush-ed’ by the razor wielder. Times have changed.
“Considering the state of the fuel market merchants seem to have the correct idea in putting on fur sales in August. One can’t be too forehanded.
“The man with the backyard garden and a family flivver isn’t worrying so much about the rail situation as he is about the coal miners’ strike. Coal can’t be picked from vines or bushes.
(Editorial) SERENADING. “Our song books and music collections are full of compositions and verses called ‘serenades,’ supposed to be suited for a lover to sing or play under the windows of his inamorata. Many famous compositions are written to suit this idea. People sing or play them as if their hearts were offering up just such a tribute of sentimental devotion.
"But many years have passed around here since any lover attempted such methods of showing his passionate feeling. If he did, the boys of the neighborhood would pelt him with rotten fruit, and the police would arrest him for disturbance.
“The only known forms of serenading tolerated at this time are the charivaris or kalethumpian concerts sometimes given to newly married couples and the demonstrations offered at the homes of political candidates by noisy admirers. Sentiment and poetry have died out of daily life, and the American people are afraid of getting laughed at if they show feeling.
“A bunch of college students who were doing the domestic work at a camp recently wrote a song on ‘The Dishwashing Blues.’ What would they have said if they were told that washing dishes was to be their occupation for many years, perhaps for a life time? They would have scorned such a pursuit. Yet that is the prospect that the average girl must face if she contemplates marriage.
“The distaste for housework is said to be one leading cause of divorce and marital unrest. The more sentimental and cultivated a girl is the more she may revolt from these tasks that she feels are contrary to her nature, She secretly envies her husband, who can go out and meet interesting people in the field of business life, while she has to stay at home and struggle with the dirt and distaste of homekeeping.
“Many women are born housekeepers. They find joy in the triumphs of the kitchen. It makes them happy to see a toothsome pie eagerly consumed by the family, and they are as pleased as the cultured lady when her literary paper is applauded by the club. The details of homekeeping are a subject of inexhaustible interest to them. They take pride in their spotless management.
“It is a rather happy point of view for a woman to attain and such women are tremendously useful in the world, even if they can’t read papers at the club. But not all share that point of view, particularly those who have more intellectual tastes. For such women the drudgery of housework may always be a trial.
“However it is not to be despised as mere humble and prosaic work. It is a fine art, and the woman who performs it well and speedily has a right to the same pride that the skilled workman feels in the work of his hands. Husbands should remember that many wives do not enjoy housework and should provide their families with the best labor-saving appliances so as to make it as easy as possible.”